1898 Souvenir de Russie! Tatare, Koriaks, Toungouses, Grandes Russiens / Russian folk types, Tatars, Koryaks, Tungusic people, traditional costumes, folklore. Art Nouveau, floral, litho (EK)
1899 Irkutsk, Irkoutsk; Arrival of the first train at the railway station, locomotive adorned with wreaths, cheering crowd. Phototypie Scherer, Nabholz & Co.
Kaliningrad, Königsberg (i. Preußen); Domkirche, Kaiserl. Postamt, Krankenhaus der Barmherzigkeit, Kaiser Wilhelm I Denkmal / Cathedral, Post Office, Hospital, Emperor Wilhelm I monument, statue, coat of arms. Ottmar Zieher Art Nouveau, floral, litho (EK)
1898 Moscow, Moskau, Moscou; La Porte d'Iberie, La Porte Rouge, La Cathedrale de l'Ascension de la Sainte Vierge / Iberian Gate and Chapel, Red Gate, Dormition Cathedral. Art Nouveau, floral, litho (EK)
1897 (Vorläufer!!) Moscow, Moskau, Moscou; Le Roi des Canons, Le Monument de Minine et du Prince Pojarsky, La Porte sainte, La Cathedrale de Sauveur / Tsar Cannon, Saviour (Spasskaya) Gate and Tower, monument of Kuzma Minin and Pozharsky, Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Art Nouveau, floral, litho (EK)
1906 Moscow, Moskau, Moscou; Saint Basile, Saint Sauveur, Porte Rouge, St. Michel Archange / Saint Basil's Cathedral, Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Red Gate, Cathedral of the Archangel, coat of arms. A. Schwerdtfeger & Co. No. 366. Art Nouveau, floral, litho (fl)
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