President Republiky T. G. Masaryk s Jugoslavskym Králem Alexandrem I. / T. G. Masaryk, First President of the Czechoslovak Republic, with Alexander I, King of Yugoslavia (EK)
1903 Festcommers zu Ehren S.K.H. des Prinzregenten Luitpold von Bayern aus Anlass der Verleihung der Rektoratsverfassung an die Kgl. Techn. Hochschule 13. Febr. 1903 / Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria. Memorial card on the occasion of the award of the Rectorate Constitution to the Royal Technical College s: Anton Höpfl
Catastrophe ferroviaire de Melun du 4 novembre 1913. Monsieur R. Poincaré, Président de la République, sur les lieux du sinistre / Melun railway accident, disaster. President Poincaré at the scene of the incident.
IX. Slet Vsesokolsky Praha 12. VI. - 6. VII. 1932 / T. G. Masaryk, First President of the Czechoslovak Republic, at the 9th Sokol Meeting in Prague (EK)
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