Olaszország / Italy ca 1824 Ex offo written in Italian from the Imp. Roy. Brig the Ussaro to the Commander of the Second Division in Smyrna. There are no seals and no dates, but S.M.S. Ussaro was in Smyrna several times between 1822 and 1827.
1867 Levél az S.M.S. Dalmátra / Cover to the Command of the gunboat S.M.S. Dalmat in Terapia, at the time when the ship was looking after Austrian interests in the Ottoman capital. "S.M. KANONENBOAT DALMAT"
ca 1870 Levél "TRIEST" - "SMIRNA" Cover addressed to Eugenio Bachman, Capitano di Marina, on the frigate Velebich in Smyrna. Velebich has been crossed out and Schwarzenberg written in. S.M.S. Velebich was in Smyrna from July 22 through August 12, and again on August 25, 1865. She would not return to Smyrna until 1871.
1884 Ex offo Triesztből az S.M. Corvette Helgolandnek címezve Polába, hátoldalán száraz pecséttel / Ex offo from Triest to the S.M. Corvette Helgoland in Pola. This letter was sent and received a few days before S.M.S. Helgoland sailed on her eight-month ethnographic research cruise to West Africa. On December 9, 1884, the date of the last handwritten notation, she was sailing between Accra, in the Gold Coast, and Lagos, Nigeria.
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