1940 Japon. Tokyo XIIe Jeux Olympiques Exposition Internationale / 1940 Summer Olympics in Japan. very rare advertisement card (XII Olympiad was ultimately cancelled due to the outbreak of World War II) s: Satomi
1912 Stockholm, Olympiska Spelens Officiella. Nr. 188. Mc Arthur, segraren i Marathonloppet / 1912 Summer Olympics. Ken McArthur who won the Marathon race
1912 Stockholm, Olympiska Spelens Officiella. Nr. 198 Mc Arthur, hylllas af sina landsmän / 1912 Summer Olympics. The South Africans carry Ken McArthur on their shoulders
1912 Stockholm, Olympiska Spelens Officiella. Det svenska laget, som vann i:a pris i pistolskjutnig / 1912 Summer Olympics. The Swedish team, winner of the pistol shooting
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