26. Closed major auction
2 000 HUF
1957 Estoril, Horthy Miklós kormányzó családja (felesége, fia, ifj. Horthy Miklós és unokája, ifj. Horthy István) Dálnoki Veress Lajos (1889-1976) vezérezredes társaságában, fotó, Veress Lajos által hátulján feliratozva, 9×12 cm / 1957 Estoril, photograph of the family of late Miklós Horthy former governor of Hungary: his widow, his son, Miklós Horthy Jr. and his grandson: István Sharif Horthy Jr., together with Lajos Veress de Dálnok (1889-1976) Hungarian military officer, with notes on its back written by Lajos Veress, 9×12 cm
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