32. Closed major auction
Books: Travelling, Local History
50 000 HUF
Vámbéry Ármin (1831-1913): Travels in Central Asia. Being the Account of a Journey from Teheran Across the Turkoman Desert on the Eastern Shore of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand. Performed in the Year 1863. London, 1864, John Murray,(Spottiswoode and Co.-ny.), XVII+1+443+32 p.+12 t. + 1 t. (Map of Turkestan, 40x68 cm.) Angol nyelven. Első brit kiadás. Kiadói aranyozott egészvászon-kötés, a borító egyik sarkán kopásnyommal, a címlapon kis folttal, egyébként jó állapotban.Ritka! / Vámbéry Ármin (1831-1913): Travels in Central Asia. Being the Account of a Journey from Teheran Across the Turkoman Desert on the Eastern Shore of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand. Performed in the Year 1863. London, 1864, John Murray,(Spottiswoode and Co.-ny.), XVII+1+443+32 p.+12 t. + 1 t. (Map of Turkestan, 40x68 cm.) In english language. First English edition. Gilt Linen-binding, with small spotty on the front page, one corner on the cover worn, the other things are okay. Rare!
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