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cca 1870-1880 I. Károly württembergi király (1823-1891), 1864 és 1891...

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Available for bidding


7 000


Catalogue number:

43. Major auction

Starting price:

7 000 HUF
18,42 EUR, 20,00 USD

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Minimum bid:

7 000 HUF


cca 1870-1880 I. Károly württembergi király (1823-1891), 1864 és 1891 között Württemberg uralkodója; házastársa Olga Nyikolajevna orosz nagyhercegnő volt, azonban gyermekük nem született, feltehetőleg Károly homoszexualitása miatt, amely még élete során nyilvánosságra került, és több botrányt kavart; egyik ismert kapcsolatát az amerikai Charles Woodcockkal folytatta, akit kamarásává nevezett ki, valamint bárói rangra is emelt; vizitkártya, 10x6 cm / cca 1870-1880 Charles (Karl) I of Württemberg (1823-1891), King of Württemberg from 1864 to 1891; he was married to Olga Nikolaevna of Russia, but they had no children, likely due to Charles' homosexuality, which came to light during his life and caused several scandals; one of his known relationships was with American Charles Woodcock, whom he appointed as his chamberlain, and even elevated to the rank of baron (Freiherr); CDV photo, 10x6 cm



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The bids are accepted according to the following bid increments:

up to 1.000 HUF 100 HUF
up to 5.000 HUF 200 HUF
up to 10.000 HUF 500 HUF
up to 20.000 HUF 1.000 HUF
up to 50.000 HUF 2.000 HUF
up to 100.000 HUF 5.000 HUF
up to 200.000 HUF 10.000 HUF
up to 500.000 HUF 20.000 HUF
up to 1.000.000 HUF 50.000 HUF
over 1.000.000 HUF 100.000 HUF

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