232. Closed Online auction
Worldwide commemorative medallions
1 600 HUF
Bosznia-Hercegovina 2013. 4db klf Szarajevó Ag emlékérem díszkeretben tanúsítvánnyal, "Gazi Husrev bey dzsámi", "Szerb Ortodox templom", "Szarajevói zsinagóga", "Jézus Szíve Székesegyház" (együtt 54g/0.999) T:1
Bosnia-Herzegovina 2013. 4pcs of diff Sarajevo Ag commemorative coins in decorative frame with certificate, "Gazi Husrev-Beg Mosque", "Old Serbian-Orthodox Church", "Ashkenazi Synagogue", "Cathedral of Jesus' Heart" (together 54g/0.999) C:UNC
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