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[Henry Parker]: The case of shipmony briefly discoursed, according to ...

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Catalogue number:

311. Closed Online auction
Books: History


Starting price:

40 000 HUF
103,63 EUR, 114,29 USD

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[Henry Parker]: The case of shipmony briefly discoursed, according to the grounds of Law and Policy and Consience. And most humbly presented to the censure and correction of the High Court of Parliement, Nov. 3. 1640. [London], 1640, [T. Harper], 47+ 9 p. Henry Parker (1604-1652) angol ügyvéd, politikai író, parlament párti propagandista, és pamflet író. A parlament egyik fő ideológusa. The case of shipmoney az egyik első és legfontosabb politikai röpirat a hosszú parlament időszakából. Modern félvászon kötés, angol nyelven, megviselt állapotban, a kötéstáblák leszakadtak a könyvtestről, az elülső védőlap, és a címoldal lejár, az elülső védőlapon bejegyzések. / [Henry Parker]: The case of shipmoney briefly discoursed, according to the grounds of Law and Policy and Consience. And most humbly presented to the censure and correction of the High Court of Parliement, Nov. 3. 1640. [London], 1640, [T. Harper], 47+ 9 p. Henry Parker (1604-1652) english barrister, political writer, parliamentary propagandist and pamphleteer. The each of the major ideologist of the Parliament. The case of shipmoney the each of the first and the most important political pamphlet from the Long Parliament era. Modern half-linen-binding, in english language, damaged, the front and the back covers came off from the spine, the shield page and the front page go down from the book, and some writings on the shield page.



Photo of the item taken by : tánczos_gábor

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