Aegypten. Postkarte mit Nationalflagge zur Information über Internationales Münzwesen. Piaster, Lira / set of Egyptian coins, flag, golden and silver Emb. litho (EK)
1936 Für den Österreichischen Olympiafonds. Zur Erinnerung an die Fis-Wettkämpfe Innsbruck / For the Austrian Olympic Fund "FIS-WETTKAMPFE INNSBRUCK 1936" So. Stpl. (EK)
The Fox and the Grapes. The Germans, after their armies had vainly attempted to reach Paris, Calais, Petrograd, and Verdun, tried to pretend that these were not their objects. WWI Anti-German, Anti-Central Powers propaganda art postcard. Raphael Tuck & Sons' "Oilette" Postcard No. 8484. "Aesop's Fables up to date" s: F. Sancha
The Hare and the Tortoise. Germany, after years of deliberate preparation of war, had the advantage over the Allies at first, but now that they are steadily surpassing her in the supply of munitions, it is they who are in sight of victory. WWI Anti-German, Anti-Central Powers propaganda art postcard. Raphael Tuck & Sons' "Oilette" Postcard No. 8484. "Aesop's Fables up to date" s: F. Sancha
The Tortoise and the Eagle. Bulgaria, having let herself be dragged into the war by Germany, will have to pay the penalty for her own rash ambition. WWI Anti-German, Anti-Central Powers propaganda art postcard. Raphael Tuck & Sons' "Oilette" Postcard No. 8484. "Aesop's Fables up to date" s: F. Sancha
1913 Budapest, A Magyarországi Nőegyesületek Szövetségének Béke- és Választott Bírósági Szakosztálya 1913. évi október 23-ai ülésének emlékére. "Nem bevárni, de előkészíteni akarjuk a szebb jövőt". Erdélyi cs. és kir. udvari fényképész műintézetéből (EK)