Keleti kelták Kr. e. ~II-I. század? 2db klf bronzpénz (2g, 6,61g) + Római Birodalom / Sirmium / II. Constantius 351-355. AE3 Cu (2,37g) T:3,2- Eastern Celtic Tribes 2nd-1st century BC? Br coins (2xdiff) (2g, 6,61g) + Roman Empire / Sirmium / Constantius II 351-355. AE3 Cu "D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG / FEL TEMP REPARATIO - ASIRM." (2,37g) C:XF,VF RIC VIII 52.
Római Birodalom / Róma / Traianus 103-104. Denár Ag (3,25g) T:2- / Roman Empire / Rome / Trajan 103-104. Denarius Ag "IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC PM TRP COS V P P / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI" (3,25g) C:VF RIC II 178.var
Római Birodalom / Siscia / Vetranius 350. AE3 (5,40g) T:2,2- patina Roman Empire / Siscia / Vetranio 350. AE3 "D N VETRA-NIO P F AVG - A * / CONCORDIA MILITVM - A - .GammaSIS." (5,40g) C:XF,VF patina RIC VIII 285.
Római Birodalom / Siscia / Constantius Gallus 351-354. AE3 (3,94g) T:2,2- patina, ph Roman Empire / Siscia / Constantius Gallus 351-354. AE3 "D N CONSTANTIVS IVN NOB C - A / FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO - I - ASIS.S." (3,94g) C:XF,VF patina, edge error RIC VIII 347, A
Római Birodalom / Róma / II. Iulianus 361-363. AE3 (2,50g) T:2 patina Roman Empire / Rome / II. Iulianus 361-363. AE3 (2,50g) "DN FL CL IVLI-ANVS PF AVG / VOT X MVLT XX - VRB. ROM. T" C:XF patina RIC VIII 329,T
Római Birodalom / Siscia / Iovianus 363-364. AE Follis (3,11g) T:2 patina Roman Empire / Siscia / Iovianus 363-364. AE Follis "D N IOVIA-NVS P F AVG / VOT V MVLT X - BSISC" (3,11g) C:XF patina RIC VIII 426.
Római Birodalom / Heraclea / Valens 364-367. AE3 (2,62g) T:2 patina, peremének egy része hiányzik Roman Empire / Heraclea / Valens 364-367. AE3 "DN VALEN-S PF AVG / SECVRITAS - REIPVBLICAE - . - SMHB" (2,62g) C:XF patina, a small part of the edge is missing RIC IX 5b.var
Római Birodalom / Siscia / I. Valentinianus 367-375. AE3 (2,65g) T:1-,2 patina, kissé hiányos perem Roman Empire / Siscia / I. Valentinianus 367-375. AE3 "DN VALENTINI-ANVS PF AVG / SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE - *F S - DeltaSISC" (2,65g) C:AU,XF patina, a small part of the edge is missing RIC IX 15a, type xv.
Római Birodalom / Siscia / I. Valentinianus 367-375. AE3 (2,33g) T:2 patina Roman Empire / Siscia / I. Valentinianus 367-375. AE3 "D N VALENTINI-ANVS P F AVG / GLORIA RO-MANORUM - M F* - [B]SISC" (2,33g) C:XF patina RIC IX 14a, xvi
Római Birodalom / Cyzicus / II. Theodosius 402-450. AE Nummus (1,13g) T:2- patina Roman Empire / Cyzicus / Theodosius II 402-450. AE Nummus (1,13g) "D N THEO[DOSIVS P F AVG] / [SMKA]" C:VF patina RIC X 451.