Panorama Raclawicka. Atak ulanów polskich jen. madalinskiego / Polish military art postcard, Raclawice Panorama (cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Raclawice 1794, during the Kosciuszko Uprising) W. Kossak i J. Styka
Panorama Raclawicka. Modlitwa Lirnika / Polish military art postcard, Raclawice Panorama (cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Raclawice 1794, during the Kosciuszko Uprising) W. Kossak i J. Styka (EK)
Panorama Raclawicka. Padl w obronie swej ziemi / Polish military art postcard, Raclawice Panorama (cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Raclawice 1794, during the Kosciuszko Uprising) W. Kossak i J. Styka
Panorama Raclawicka. Kosynierzy / Polish military art postcard, Raclawice Panorama (cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Raclawice 1794, during the Kosciuszko Uprising) W. Kossak i J. Styka (EK)
Panorama Raclawicka. Zbieranie rannych we wsi Raclawice / Polish military art postcard, Raclawice Panorama (cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Raclawice 1794, during the Kosciuszko Uprising) W. Kossak i J. Styka
1916 Maikäfer fliege von Sieg zu Siege. Nur Eintracht siegt / WWI German and Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. military art postcard, Viribus Unitis propaganda with Central Powers flags. litho + "K.u.K. bosn.-hercegov. Infanterieregiment Nr. 1. 1. Feldbataillon" (EK)
Fallschirmjäger nach der Landung / WWII German military art postcard, NSDAP German Nazi Party propaganda, paratroopers after landing s: Theo Matejko (fl)
RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) beim Straßenbau im Osten. Unsere Arbeitsmänner im Kriegseinsatz / WWII German military art postcard, NSDAP German Nazi Party propaganda, Reich Labour Service building roads in the East s: Thomas Bachmeier (EK)
Am frühen Morgen des 22. Juni 1941. Ausstellung Deutsche Künstler und die SS / WWII German military art postcard, NSDAP German Nazi Party propaganda s: Roman Feldmeyer (EK)
Polizei bei Marschpause im Gebirge. Ausstellung Deutsche Künstler und die SS / WWII German military art postcard, NSDAP German Nazi Party propaganda s: Walter Möbius