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cca 1915 Osztrák-magyar haditengerészeti repülő Lohner LI-43a kikötőben, háttérben a 60T és 62T torpedócsónakokkal. A LI-43 egy Bari elleni támadásban motorhiba miatt leszállásra kényszerült, és legyénysége fogságba esett 7x5,5 cm / Autro Hungarian Navy plane L-43 on the water. Torpedo boats 60T and 62T are docked in the background. L-43 was one of the six Lohner L-type delivered to the k.u.k. Kriegsmarine in the spring and summer of 1915 (see L-42 above). After a raid on Bari on July 17, 1915, L-43 experienced engine failure and was forced to land. The crew, Fregattenleutnant Konstantin Maglić (born in 1891, gazetted Fregattenleutnant on May 1, 1913) and Fregattenleutnant Stephan Wollemann (born in 1893, gazetted Fregattenleutnant on August 1, 1914) were made prisoners of war but only after they set their flying boat on fire. Engine: 1 150 hp Rapp (push) (refitted) Span: 16.2 m; length: 10.85 m; maximum speed: 105 kmh; endurance: 7 hours; crew: 2 Armament: 1 8 mm machine gun for observer; 150 kg of bombs
cca 1917 Osztrák-magyar haditengerészeti nehézbombázó melyet a Budapesti UFAG gyárban építettek 1918-ban. Malamoco bombázásában veszett oda 1918 augusztus 22-én. Három tagú legénysége fogságba került. Későbbi nagyítás12x7 cm / Heinkel W.13 KG-series long-range flying boat bomber. This machine was the most extensively used k.u.k. Kriegsmarine's flying boat during the last fifteen months of the war. Ernst Heinkel designed the W.13 around the Austro-Daimler engine. Flying boat K-434, shown in the photograph, was delivered on May 31, 1918 by Ufag of Budapest. It was the last of the K flying boats. It was shot down on August 22, 1918, during an attack on the Italian airbase at Malamoco; the three crewmembers were taken prisoner. Later copy. Engine: 1 345 hp Austro-Daimler (push) Span: 20.4 m; length: 13.2 m; maximum speed: 160 kmh; endurance: 6 hours; crew: 3 Armament: 1or 2 8 mm machine guns; 500-700 kg of bombs
cca 1917 Osztrák-magyar haditengerészeti felderítő bombázó Weichmann K-199. 1917 februárjától decemberig szolgált, amikor landolás közben megsemmisült. 11x8 cm / Weichmann K-type flying boat reconnaissance bomber parked before a hangar. It is No. K-199; the photograph was taken from the front portside. No personnel is visible. By 1916, the Lohner L-series had been outclassed by Allied fighters and the k.u.k. Krigsmarine was looking for suitable replacements. Two firms built flying boats of almost identical design to meet Naval Aviation specifications and both were accepted. Oeffag's chief designer, Weichmann, produced 22 machines, some at Oeffag and others at Phönix. K-199 was built at Oeffag. It went into service on February 11, 1917, and was lost while attempting to land in Pola on December 8, 1917. Engine: 1 160 hp Austro-Daimler (push) Span: 16 m; length: 10.2 m; maximum speed: 135-140 kmh; endurance: 6 hours; crew: 2 Armament: 1 8mm Schwarzlose machine gun for observer; 150 kg of bombs
cca 1917 Osztrák-magyar haditengerészeti repülő E-18. Linienschiffleutnant Hugo Ockermüller vezetésével A repülő négy évig volt szolgálatban Montenegro ellen például, 1918-ban zuhant le / Linienschiffleutnant Hugo Ockermüller is seen here at the controls of E-18, a Type-M Lohner machine. With E-20 and E-21, she was part of the trio of flying boats that was sent to open the k.u.k. air station at Kumbor, in the Bocche di Cattaro. E-18 flew numerous bombing missions against Montenegro in the opening months of the war. Later she was transferred to Pola and Sebenico. She crashed on May 31, 1918, after being in service for over four years. Engine: 1 100 hp Gnome nine-cylinder rotary (push) Span: 13 m; length: 7.85 m; maximum speed: 98 kmh; endurance: 4 hours; crew: 2 Armament: 50 kg of bombs
cca 1918 Osztrák-magyar haditengerészeti légi felderítő fotó Ancona kikötőjéről, ahol jól látszanak a hadi létesítmények, kézzel ráírt nevekkel beazonosítva 11x7,5 cm / Rare actual air-reconnaissance photograph showing the port of AnconaThe handwriting used to label port installations has faded, but the photograph itself is sharp and crystal clear . An invaluable historical document.
cca 1918 Osztrák-magyar haditengerészeti légi felderítő fotó Brindisi kikötőjéről, ahol jól látszanak a hajók, kézzel ráírt nevekkel beazonosítva12x8 cm / Rare actual air-reconnaissance photograph showing the port of Brindisi. Numerous warship are clearly visible and some identified by handwritten names or descriptions. Port facilities and army depots are also labeled. An invaluable historical document.
1918 Osztrák-magyar haditengerészeti duplafedelű repülőgép felszállásnál.. Feltehetően Lohner T típus. 7x4,25 cm / A k.u.k. Kriegsmarine two-seater flying boat taking off. Markings are not visible the machine is likely a Lohner T-type. 7x4,25 cm
1918 Osztrák-magyar haditengerészeti felderítőgép R-4 szerlők és matrózok a Puntisella bázison, 11x8 cm / Autstro-Hungarian Navy airforce sailors and mechanics pose next to R-4, a reconnaissance flying boat. According to the handwritten information on the back, the photograph was taken at the Puntisella Naval Station in 1918. Engines: 1 175 hp Rapp (push) Span: 14 m; maximum speed: 108-125 kmh; crew: 2-3 Armament: 1 8mm machine guns; 250 kg total payload
1916 Osztrák-magyar haditengerészeti bombázógép G8, melyet 1916-ban gyártottak, lassít a vízen. Fotó gyűrődéssel 16x10 cm) / Autstro-Hungarian Navy airforce plane G-8 moving slowly on the water. G-8 went into service in September 1916 Engines: 3 239 hp Hiero (push) Span: 28 m; maximum speed: 125-130 kmh; crew: 3 Armament: 2 8mm machine guns; 800 kg of bombs 16x10 cm creased
1916 Osztrák-magyar Főnix haditegerészeti vadászgépek Pola mellett Alturafelden, a frissen gyártott gépekre a pilótákat Bácsújhelyen képezték ki 15 cm x 9 cm) / Autstro-Hungarian Navy airforce Five Phönix D I land-based fighters are lined up next to each other at the Alturafeld airfield near Pola. No identification numbers are visible, but, on the basis of the photograph reproduced on page 51 of Peter Schupita's Die k.u.k. Seeflieger, the machine on the extreme right would appear to be A 97.