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5 000 HUF
13,05 EUR, 14,08 USD
cca 1917 Osztrák-magyar haditengerészeti nehézbombázó melyet a Budapesti UFAG gyárban építettek 1918-ban. Malamoco bombázásában veszett oda 1918 augusztus 22-én. Három tagú legénysége fogságba került. Későbbi nagyítás12x7 cm / Heinkel W.13 KG-series long-range flying boat bomber. This machine was the most extensively used k.u.k. Kriegsmarine's flying boat during the last fifteen months of the war. Ernst Heinkel designed the W.13 around the Austro-Daimler engine. Flying boat K-434, shown in the photograph, was delivered on May 31, 1918 by Ufag of Budapest. It was the last of the K flying boats. It was shot down on August 22, 1918, during an attack on the Italian airbase at Malamoco; the three crewmembers were taken prisoner. Later copy. Engine: 1 345 hp Austro-Daimler (push) Span: 20.4 m; length: 13.2 m; maximum speed: 160 kmh; endurance: 6 hours; crew: 3 Armament: 1or 2 8 mm machine guns; 500-700 kg of bombs
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