K.u.K. Kriegsmarine Seeflugzeug / WWI Austro-Hungarian Navy, group of sailors hauling Mn-type flying boat (hydroplane) E-33 ashore at the Kumbor Air Station in the Bay of Kotor, naval aircraft. Verlag Rotes Kreuz Photo Atelier Pola photo (fl)
K.u.K. Kriegsmarine Seeflugzeug / WWI Austro-Hungarian Navy Lohner Te-type flying boat (hydroplane) L-61 moves forward under her own power, most likely preparing to take off at Kumbor air station in the Bay of Kotor, SMS Budapest in the background. photo (fl)
Die Fliegerhelden von Ancona. K.u.K. Kriegsmarine Seeflugzeug / WWI Austro-Hungarian Navy Lohner Te-type flying boat (hydroplane) L-65 on land, three crewmembers posing for the camera next to machine. The postcard identifies by name the "air heroes of Ancona": Linienschiffsleutnant Stenta, Seekadett Vámos, and Flugmeister Molnár. Verlag Photogr. Atelier des Roten Kreuzes, Pola 1916 (vágott / cut)
1914 Pola, Flugstation. K.u.K. Kriegsmarine Seeflugzeuge / Az Osztrák-Magyar Haditengerészet repülőállomása Santa Catarina szigetén, Polában, matrózok / WWI Austro-Hungarian Navy, mariners with aircrafts and seaplanes at the air station on Santa Catarina Island, in the harbor of Pula, French-made Léveque flying boats. Phot. A. Beer, Verlag F. W. Schrinner
Pola, Flugstation. K.u.K. Kriegsmarine Seeflugzeug / Az Osztrák-Magyar Haditengerészet repülőállomása Santa Catarina szigetén, Polában, matrózok / WWI Austro-Hungarian Navy, mariners with aircrafts and seaplanes at the air station on Santa Catarina Island, in the harbor of Pula. Several mechanics and seamen standing next to a Léveque flying boat, most likely number 10. Phot. Alois Beer, Verlag Sch...