"Es kann nur einer siegen und das sind wir" Adolf Hitler am 8. November 1939 / WWII NSDAP German Nazi Party propaganda postcard, Iron Cross, swastika. 6+19 Ga. s: Gottfried Klein
Österreich kehrt Heim! 10. April 1938 / Osztrák náci propaganda horogkereszttel / Austrian Nazi propaganda, swastika, Austrian Anschluss referendum (EK)
The Tortoise and the Eagle. Bulgaria, having let herself be dragged into the war by Germany, will have to pay the penalty for her own rash ambition. WWI Anti-German, Anti-Central Powers propaganda art postcard. Raphael Tuck & Sons' "Oilette" Postcard No. 8484. "Aesop's Fables up to date" s: F. Sancha
The Han that laid the Golden Eggs. German overseas commerce, which had made Germany so wealthy, has been utterly destroyed by the mad greed that impelled her to force war on Europe. WWI Anti-German, Anti-Central Powers propaganda art postcard. Raphael Tuck & Sons' "Oilette" Postcard No. 8484. "Aesop's Fables up to date" s: F. Sancha
The Dog and the Shadow. Germany has lost the propserity she had so laboriously acquired, in the vain endeavour to obtain the mastery of the world. WWI Anti-German, Anti-Central Powers propaganda art postcard. Raphael Tuck & Sons' "Oilette" Postcard No. 8484. "Aesop's Fables up to date" s: F. Sancha
"This trick cannot injure my brain, For, John, you've shown me of brains I have none" Wilhelm II mocking Anti-German propaganda art postcard, John Bull. "War Cartoons" Series. No. 5017.