Az S.M.S. Turul osztrák-magyar hadihajó egy tengerbe zuhant német repülőgépet készül vontatni. Fotó 10x7 cm / S.M.S. Turul makes ready to tow a downed aircraft. Photo 10x7 cm
Az S.M.S. Wildfang osztrák-magyar hadihajó. Fotólap / Black-and-white photo postcard showing S.M.S. Wildfang, probably during prewar days, sailing almost straight towards the camera. Officers can be seen in the bridge and two sailors are holding on to cables on the duck-back foredeck.
cca 1916 Egy haditengerész család. Az S.M.S. Warasdineren szolgáló egyik fiú, a másik tengeralattjárón szolgál, valamint az apa is tengerésztiszt Fotólap / Black-and-white privately made photo postcard A perfect depiction of a late Habsburg bourgeois family. The father, a naval official, poses with his wife, five daughters, and two sons. The taller of the two young men is a member of the crew of S.M.S. Warasdiner. The second young man, wearing two medals more than his brother, is clearly with the submarine service: the band on his cap reads Unterseeboot, followed by a mostly illegible Roman numeral.
1915 Az S.M.S. Warasdiner, osztrák-magyar romboló legénysége borzik Caselnuovonál Fotólap / Sepia photo postcard An officer and a group of crewmembers of S.M.S. Warasdiner share a couple of carafes of wine in Castelnuovo. Postmarked: K.u.K. KRIEGSMARINE 23|7|15 S.M.S. MONARCH
1915 Az S.M.S. Warasdiner, Turul és Wildfang osztrák-magyar rombolók horgonyoznak Cattaronál. Eredeti régi fotó, modern kartonon 12x9 cm / It shows S.M.S. Turul, Warasdiner, and Wildfang docked side by side at the Bocche di Cattaro. According to the notation on the back, S.M. Tb.79T is the ship visible behind S.M.S. Wildfang.
1915 Az S.M.S. Warasdiner osztrák-magyar romboló elhajózik az S.M.S. Monarch előtt, és a két hajó legyénsége tiszteleg egymásnak. Fotólap. / Black-and-white photo postcard. With their crews standing at attention, S.M.S. Warasdiner sails past S.M.S. Monarch, anchored in the Bocche di Cattaro. A most interesting photograph capturing the Old-World courtesies the k.u.k. Kriegsmarine unfailingly observed.
1915 Az S.M.S. Warasdiner osztrák-magyar romboló menetben Cattaronál Fotólap. / Black-and-white photo postcard of S.M.S. Warasdiner sailing in Cattaro. Full portside view. Another destroyer is partially visible just ahead of S.M.S. Warasdiner.
1915 Az S.M.S. Warasdiner osztrák-magyar romboló a Baosicnál vízfelvétel miatt horgonyozva, a kikötőköteleken száradó ruhákkal. Fotólap. / S.M.S. Warasdiner, laundry hanging over her starboard side, is docked by the side of the road in Baošić, just down the road from Kumbor in the Bocche di Cattaro. One suspects scenes such as this must have been rather unusual in the Royal Navy or the German Imperial Navy. The location is given in the message written in Hungarian on the front and back of the card.
1915 Az S.M.S. S.M.S. Turul, és Huszár osztrák-magyar Huszár-osztályú rombolók a polai kikötőben, Hajóbélyegzővel Fotólap / Black-and-white photo postcard / Three destroyers are docked side-to-side in front of the Krk Hotel (in Pola?) The name of the ship closest to the dock is not visible. The outside ship is S.M.S. Turul. S.M.S. Huszár is between them. A few seamen can be seen in all three, but the lines on both S.M.S. Huszár and S.M.S. Turul are sagging under the weight of their laundry. Addressed to two brothers serving in the K.K. armed forces by a third brother who was a sailor on board S.M.S. Huszár. Full message in German; dated 26/III/15. Postmarked: K. und K. KRIEGSMARINE 27|3|15 S.M.S. HUSZÁR
1914 Az S.M.S. S.M.S. Reka, Turul, és Huszár osztrák-magyar Huszár-osztályú rombolók a sibeniki kikötőben, Fotólap / Black-and-white privately made postcard / S.M.S. Reka, Turul, and Huszár desroyers docked in Sebenico
1914 Az S.M.S. Warasdiner osztrák-magyar Huszár-osztályú romboló a kikötőben, fedélzeten a legénységgel. Fotólap / Black-and-white privately made postcard / Officers and seamen on the deck of S.M.S. Warasdiner in the port
1914 Az S.M.S. Dinara osztrák-magyar Huszár-osztályú romboló legénysége ismerkedik az új Skoda légvédelmi ágyúkkal Fotólap / Black-and-white privately made postcard Officers and seamen familiarize themselves with the new 7-cm, cal 50 Škoda anti-aircraft gun on the aft deck of S.M.S. Dinara in 1917. The man on the right, marked with an X and with binoculars hanging from his neck, is identified on the back as Quartermaster Hans Hölzenbein.