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24 000 HUF
62,66 EUR, 67,61 USD
cca 1900 S.M.S.Rudolf (1889-1922) pre-dreadnought hadihajó ágyui. Alois Beer kabinetfotó. Jelzett. 17x11 cm / , Original sepia studio photograph (horizontal) by Alois Beer himself. This well-known photograph shows the aft barbette housing one of S.M.S. Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf's 12-inch guns. In the foreground, an ubiquituous 7 cm landing gun. This photograph is reproduced on page 92 of L. Bamugartner and E. Sieche's Die Schiffe der k.(u.)k. Kriegsmarine im Bild, Vol I, 1848-1895.
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