1956 Néphadsereg, a Honvédelmi Minisztérium központi lapja IX. évf. 241. sz., 1956. okt. 13., a címlapon a forradalomban mártírhalált halt tábornokok (Sólyom László, Illy Gusztáv, Beleznay István, Révay Kálmán, Pórffy György), 8 p.
cca 1916 S.M.S. Satellit (1883-1920) torpedó romboló hadihajó fedélzete. Feliratozott fotó 9x12 cm / S.M.S. Satellit torpedo gunboat marines on the deck 12x9 cm
1917 S.M.S. Satellit (1883-1920) torpedó romboló hadihajó legénysége, hátoldalán ritka hajópecséttel / An officer with the crew on the deck of S.M.S. Satellit. With the ship's oval seal with the two crowns, introduced in 1917: K.u.K. KRIEGSMARINE * S.M.S. SATELLIT * Kalis/Kohl No. 8 [type DO 1a] violet - Liebhaberpreis! 9x12 cm
1917 S.M.S. Satellit (1883-1920) torpedó romboló hadihajó legénysége a fiumei dokkban, behajózásra várva. Hátoldalán ritka hajópecséttel / A group of soldiers are gathered on the pier at Fiume looking down on a boat perhaps intended to transport them The back bears the ship's oval seal with the two crowns: K.u.K. KRIEGSMARINE * S.M.S. SATELLIT * Kalis/Kohl No. 8 [type DO 1a] violet - Liebhaberpreis!
cca 1900 S.M.S. Don Juan d'Austria, (~1875-~1919) fotólap / S.M.S. Don Juan d'Austria, seen here from the bow, is moored across from the Pola Arsenal's twin bays. Black-and-white photograph (horizontal). 14x9 cm
cca 1900 S.M.S. Don Juan d'Austria, (~1875-~1919) fotó modern nagyítás a k.u.k Marine Bildarchivból / S.M.S. Don Juan d'Austria,Full starboard side view lying at anchor. Modern reproduction of photograph No. 74 from the k.u.k. Kriegsmarine Photo Archive 13x9 cm
cca 1916 S.M. Dampfer IV (ex Gastein). osztrák magyar raktár- és hadihajó kapitánya és legénysége. Fotólap / The captain and the crew and the ship's dog of Gastein on deck privately produced photo postcard. S.S. Gastein was an Austrian Lloyd passenger and cargo ship built at Arsenal Lloyd and launched in 1909. Before the war she was on the company's Levant run. Displacement: 3,817 tons. Length: 104.9 meters; beam: 13.5 meters. Speed: 12.5 knots S. S. Gastein was requisitioned in July 1914 and renamed S.M. Dampfer IV. She was converted to an unarmed destroyer depot ship for the Second Torpedo Flotilla and stationed in Pola. She was returned to the Austrian Lloyd in 1917, but requisitioned again in April 1918. The following month, S.M. Dampfer IV was lightly armored, outfitted with radio, and armed with two 4.7 cm, cal. 44, guns and one machine gun, and used as a troop transport until the end of the war.
cca 1890 Az S.M.S. Monarch, S.M.S. Prinz Eugen, S.M.S. Radetzky hadihajók egy-egy matróza műtermi csoportképen. Pola, Cesare Gallinaro kabinetfotó, kissé sérült / One marine from three different warships 11x17 cm
1911 Az S.M.S. Schwarzenberg hajó 3 különböző nemzetiségű matrózának képe: Olasz, magyar, cseh. / Three members of the crew of S.M.S. Schwarzenberg during their service together in 1911. Franz (?) Tesarch, Eduard Hirschmann, from Hernsdorf near Friedland, in Bohemia; and a Hungarian seaman (Reinsprecht Oko ?) from Edenburger Komitat, in Hungary. made by the Mattiazzi Atelier in Sebenico 11x17 cm