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470. Closed Online auction
Hungarian Physician Commemorative Medallions and Plaques
18 000 HUF
46,63 EUR, 51,43 USD
Berán Lajos (1882-1943) 1906. Plakett a Rókus Kórház bejárata előtt álló Semmelweis Ignác szobor avatásának emlékére, kétoldalas bronz "IGNATION PHILIPP SEMMELWEIS MDCCCXVIII - MDCCCLXV / MEDICO HUNGARO PROF. ARTIS OBSTETR. IN UNIV. BUDAPESTINENSI INDAGATORI INDEFESSO CONSERVATORI MATRUM SIGNUM AERE IN ORBE UNIVERSO COLLECTO POSURENT COLLEGAE BUDAPESTINI MDCCCCVI" (81x51mm) T:XF patina / Hungary 1906. Commemorative plaque for the inauguration of the Ignác Semmelweis statue in the front of the Rókus Hospital. Double-sided bronze. Sign.: Lajos Berán (81x51mm) C:XF patina
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