1890 S.M.S. Kronprinzessin Erzherzogin Stephanie hadihajó (1889-1926) rotációs fametszet egy újságból.23x16 / Portside view of S.M.S. Kronprinzessin Erzherzogin Stephanie in Pola harbor. Original print from an unidentified Austrian newspaper (but dated 1889-90) after a drawing by Alex Kircher. 23x16 cm
1896 Az S.M.S. Sebenico hadihajó cenzúrázott ajánlott levél Konstantinápolyba / Registered folded letter from the Trieste General Post Office addressed to the command of S.M.S. Sebenico in Constantinople S. M. Schiff ,,Sebenico' Seal type DL 1a dark gray
cca 1880 S.M.S. Bellona (ex Kaiser) (1859-1920) hadihajón valamint az S.M.S. Sankt Georgon szolgáló matróz menetlevele számos érdekes és ritka pecséttel. / Travel Route for Johann Raininger who is to travel on official service business from Pola to Zelenika on a second-class rail ticket. The document is dated on board S.M.S. Bellona on July 7 1916. The itinerary is Pola - Steinbruck - Agram - Sisek - Bosnisch Brod - Sarajevo - Zelenika. The sailor is being paid 150 kronen for travel expenses from the treasury of S.M.S. Bellona. Seals on first page: S. M. Schiff ,,Bellona" (75.5 mm x 6.5 mm) Kalis/Kohl No. 4 [type DL 1a] violet - 20 points and K. und K. KRIEGS-MARINE S. M. SCHIFFS BELLONA. Kalis/Kohl No. 2 [type DR 2b] violet - 50 points Page two bears the signatures of S.M.S. Bellona's officer in command and ships doctor, as well as the seaman's signature. The same Kalis/Kohl No. 2 ship seal is affixed. There are seals from the Pola (July 7) and Zagreb (July 8) railroad stations. Page three bears the signature and the seal of the officer in command of S.M.S. ,,SANKT GEORG" Not listed in the Kalis/Kohl catalogue dated July 11, 1916. On page four there are seals from the Agram (Zagreb) railroad station (July 9) and Srajevo (July 10, 1916), attesting to the completion of the trip.
1904 Áthelyezési levél / Gegenüberrechnungskonsignation ritka pecsétekkel / mailed to the k.u.k. Seeflugleitung, Pola. Postmarked: K.u.K. MARINEFELDPOSTAMT POLA a 3.12.17 The document contains three different seals, two from S.M.S. Mars and one from the flying boat administration. On the outside, there is this seal: S.M.S. ,,MARS" Kalis/Kohl No. 4 [type DL 1c] violet Inside, there is this other S.M.S. Mars seal: S.M.S. ,,Mars" This seal of the DL 1 type, 63 x 4 mm, is not listed in Kalis/Kohl. Liebhaberpreis !! Finally, inside also there is this seal: K.u.k. Seeflugleitung Pola
1878 Az S.M.S. Adria és a matróz hadtestparancsnokság közötti levél, sok üzenettel, pecsétekkel / Folded letter from S.M.S. Adria to the Command of the Sailors Corps, with several messages back and forth dated between April 7 and Aprl 15, 1878, at the time when S.M.S. Adria I was a hulk in Pola. Seals: K.K. MATROSEN CORPS COMMANDO and one from the K.K. Militär Hafen-Commando Pola.
1901 A régebbi S.M.S. Zrínyi hajó utolsó útjának emlékére készült fénykép a hajó zenekaráról, (tagjai főleg tisztek) a fedélzeten. A tisztek neveivel. 1900 októberében indult a hajó utolsó útjára, Nápoly, Velence, Marseille, Barcelona és Cartagena érintésével, végül visszatért Polába. 21x27 cm / The captain and his officers pose for the camera and posterity to commemorate S.M.S. Zrínyi's last cruise. In October 1900, S.M.S. Zrínyi sailed on what was to be her last cruise. She headed west and visited Naples, Genoa, Niza, Marseille, Barcelona, Valencia, and Cartagena, and returned to Pola on March 26, 1901. The names of all officers have been written on the top and bottom margins; additional writing on the back identifies the occasion.