Available for bidding
481. Online auction
180 000 HUF
466,32 EUR, 514,29 USD
180 000 HUF
Andreas Cellarius (1596-1665) Haemisphae Latumau Sphaerarum: Rium Stel Strale Aequali Proportione, - Az ókori csillagfélteke. Színezett rézmetszetű éggömb térkép, csillagtérkép. Megjelent Atlas Coelestis seu Harmonia Macrocosmica Amsterdam, 1708. Gereardum Valk - Petrum Schenk. Régi restaurálással. 500x420 mm,üvegezett keretben / Andreas Cellarius (1596-1665) Haemisphae Latumau Sphaerarum: Rium Stel Strale Aequali Proportione, - Ancient Southern Celestial Hemisphere Star Chart This celestial map is a creation of Andreas Cellarius, a renowned Dutch-German cartographer. It was originally published in the "Atlas Coelestis seu Harmonia Macrocosmica" in Amsterdam in 1708. The chart has been restored in the past centuries, 500x420 mm
up to 1.000 HUF | 100 HUF |
up to 5.000 HUF | 200 HUF |
up to 10.000 HUF | 500 HUF |
up to 20.000 HUF | 1.000 HUF |
up to 50.000 HUF | 2.000 HUF |
up to 100.000 HUF | 5.000 HUF |
up to 200.000 HUF | 10.000 HUF |
up to 500.000 HUF | 20.000 HUF |
up to 1.000.000 HUF | 50.000 HUF |
over 1.000.000 HUF | 100.000 HUF |
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