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30 000 Ft
77,72 EUR, 85,71 USD
Biblia Hebraica ad optimorum codicum et editionum fidem recensita et expressa adjectis notis Masorethicis alisque observationibus, nec non versuum et capitum distinctionibus, numeris et summariis accurante M. Christiano Reineccio... [Lipcse] Lipsiae, 1756. Breitkopf. 516, 580 l. 2 sztl. lev. Korabeli egészbőr-kötésben, gerince sérült-hiányos. Számos helyen jegyzetek, beírások. / Original 3/4 calf-leather covered boards, with gold lettering and tooling on spine. Raised bands, all egdes are red. Considerable damage and some obvious loss on the spine. Major dark tannig on several pages, and pencilmarks also.
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