Osztrák-magyar katonák Klokot közelében / WWI Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. military, soldiers near Klokot (Kosovo). photo glued to paper (non PC) (vágott / cut)
1918 Bem a nagyszebeni ütközetben. 1848-49-es forradalom és szabadságharc. Országos Anya- és Csecsemővédő Egyesület 909. / Hungarian Revolution of 1848, Bem in the Battle of Sibiu s: Styka
1916 Osztrák-magyar lovas katona az olasz fronton Dél-Tirolban / WWI Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. military, cavalryman on the Italian front in Südtirol (South Tyrol). photo (gyűrődés / crease)
Fliegerhauptmann Boelcke. J. Müller, Kgl. Hofphot. / Oswald Boelcke, WWI German military pilot and flying ace. Boelcke is honored as the father of the German fighter air force, as well as considered the "Father of Air Fighting Tactics". He was killed in a crash following a midair collision on 28 October 1916. (EK)
1914 Gefecht mit Unterstützung der Luftflotte / WWI German and Austro-Hungarian K.u.K. military, Battle with the support of the Air Force (worn corners)
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