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402. Lezárult gyorsárverés
3 600 Ft
9,33 EUR, 10,29 USD
1931 Brassó, a. 4. sz elemi iskola III. osztályos diákjai a tanteremben, a falon II. Demeter és Vasile Lupu moldvai fejedelmek arcképei, hátoldalán feliratozott vintage fotó kartonon, fotó tetején apró foltokkal, karton foltos, 15x23, / Brasov, Kronstadt, 3rd class pupil of the primary school no. 4 in the class room, with the portraits of voivode of Moldavia Demetrius Cantemirt and Vasile Lupu on the wall, vintage photo on cardboard, with description in Hungarian on the reverse, photo with a few small spots on the top, cardboard spotty, 15x23 cm
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