7 000 Ft
1911 A Fiumei Tengerészeti Akadémia 1914-ben tervezett végzős osztályának csoportképe. Hátoldalán néhány hallgató aláírásával / 1911 Black-and-white privately made photo postcard (horizontal). Group photograph of the Marine Academy's future Class of 1914, taken in Fiume in September 1911, in all likelihood at the beginning of their sophomore year. Addressed to Cadet Árpád Szelke, then serving on S.M.S. Zrínyi. Szelke had graduated from the Marine Academy on June 15, 1911, three months before this postcard was sent. The message, dated 23./9./11, reads: Hip, Hip, Hurrah! Only 1,000 more days. It has five signatures, among them those of: Felix Weitzendorfer, born 1894; Ludwig Mohr, born 1894; Bogoslav Erny, born 1895; and Herbert Zhernotta, born 1895. All four would graduate from the Marine Academy on June 14, 1914, and be gazetted Fregattenleutnant on November 1, 1916.
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