S.M.S. Erzherzog Karl osztrák-magyar csatahajó utolsó tengerentúli útján Smyrnában fotó kartonon. 15x11 cm / Starboard side view of S.M.S. Erzherzog Karl . The photograph was taken during S.M.S. Erzherzog Karl's visit to Smyrna on April 21-23, 1910, as part of her fourth and last overseas cruise.
ca 1900 S.M.S. Erzherzog Ferdinand osztrák-magyar csatahajó matróza egyenruhában kitünetetéssel, dísztőrrel dedikált fotó 11x17 cm / A sailor from S.M.S. Erzherzog Ferdinand Max poses proudly with his medal and his service dagger. The photograph is dedicated to his sister and signed Tesarch. Lobenwein Atelier, Klagenfurt/Villach.
ca 1915 S.M.S. Friedrich osztrák-magyar csatahajó matróza a fedélzeten a hajó ágyúival. A sailor is walking on the main deck of S.M.S. Friedrich. In front of him is a turret housing one 7.6-inch gun; on the deck below, three more 7.6-inch guns stick out from the casemate. 7,5x10 cm / A sailor is walking on the main deck of S.M.S. Friedrich. In front of him is a turret housing one 7.6-inch gun; on the deck below, three more 7.6-inch guns stick out from the casemate.7,5x10 cm photo
S.M.S. Aspern osztrák-magyar Zenta osztályú cirkáló fedélzetén matrózok a mentőcsónakokkal / A group of sailors on board S.M.S. Aspern Zenta class of small cruiser. It carried three lifeboats on the side. 8x10 cm
1917 Nyílt parancs Fregattenleutnant Herman Kalch részére Polából Zelenikába számos hajóbélyegzővel, közöttük az S.M.S. Szigetvár osztrák-magyar Zenta osztályú cirkáló ritka, címeres bélyegzőjével. Valaki felülbírálta a kiszabott költségeket és elszámolható kilométereket. / Open Order for Fregattenleutnant Herman Kalcher (born in 1894, gazetted Fregattenleutenant on May 1, 1916) to travel from Pola to Zelenika, in the Bocche di Cattaro. The document, containing more than a dozen separate rubberstamps and seals, is a testament to the k.u.k. Kriegsmarine's devotion to bureaucratic detail. Someone went over Fregattenleutnant Kalcher's expenses with a red pencil and corrected the amounts, including allowable mileage for his train voyage.
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