481. Gyorsárverés
180 000 Ft
466,32 EUR, 514,29 USD
180 000 Ft
Andreas Cellarius (1596-1665) Haemisphae Latumau Sphaerarum: Rium Stel Strale Aequali Proportione, - Az ókori csillagfélteke. Színezett rézmetszetű éggömb térkép, csillagtérkép. Megjelent Atlas Coelestis seu Harmonia Macrocosmica Amsterdam, 1708. Gereardum Valk - Petrum Schenk. Régi restaurálással. 500x420 mm,üvegezett keretben / Andreas Cellarius (1596-1665) Haemisphae Latumau Sphaerarum: Rium Stel Strale Aequali Proportione, - Ancient Southern Celestial Hemisphere Star Chart This celestial map is a creation of Andreas Cellarius, a renowned Dutch-German cartographer. It was originally published in the "Atlas Coelestis seu Harmonia Macrocosmica" in Amsterdam in 1708. The chart has been restored in the past centuries, 500x420 mm
1.000 Ft-ig | 100 Ft |
5.000 Ft-ig | 200 Ft |
10.000 Ft-ig | 500 Ft |
20.000 Ft-ig | 1.000 Ft |
50.000 Ft-ig | 2.000 Ft |
100.000 Ft-ig | 5.000 Ft |
200.000 Ft-ig | 10.000 Ft |
500.000 Ft-ig | 20.000 Ft |
1.000.000 Ft-ig | 50.000 Ft |
1.000.000 Ft felett | 100.000 Ft |
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