A tétel már nem elérhető
190 000 Ft
492,23 EUR, 542,86 USD
Borgó György Csaba (1950- ): Süket Demeter, olaj, farost, jelzett. Hátoldalán a művész autográf címkéjével, amelyen datálta a művet (1991) valamint az Erdész Galéria raglapjával. Fa keretben, 50×70 cm / Borgó György Csaba (1950-): Deaf Dimitrios. Oil on fibre board, signed. On the back with the artitst's hand-written label and the label of the Erdész Gallery in Szentendre. Framed, 50×70 cm. The artist was born in Targu-Mures, Romania and studied at the Academy Ion Andreescu in Cluj. He moved to Hungary in 1986, where he became a prominent member on contemporary art scene with his colourful surreallistic paintings. He won several prizes.
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